Cynthia Bond Hopson

Nothing Is Worth More Than This Day

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Nothing Is Worth More Than This Day

“Nothing is worth more than this day.” – Von Goethe

Today I am alive and breathing. I am aware that I am breathing, and today I fully understand what a miracle that is. I’ve meant to be living just for today, but I suspect I have been anxious about Covid-19, about work, about my health, about my family’s health, world peace, the state of national and local affairs—the list goes on.

I work to greet each day with great anticipation and pray that I follow God’s will and not my own, however, whether I enjoy each day as it unfolds is today’s question.

Yesterday morning there was a red bird in our front yard and I was fascinated as it foraged for food then took flight and soared out of sight. I was thrilled because I got to admire this gorgeous creature and admire the morning as it unfolded. How many times do we get caught up in all that has to be done and forget to look up?

I have shared many times about a drive-thru customer I had at one of the local banks 400 years ago. I could hear her approach at 57 miles per hour and she’d come to a screeching halt in front of my window and her first question was always “Have you looked at the clouds today?”

It only took about three times to say no before I got the message that it wasn’t about the clouds at all—it was about taking time to be thankful for creation and being mindful of the wonder of it all.

Today is all we have. No matter how much we plan what we will do tomorrow, next week, or when we retire, all we have is today. With uncertainty about the economy, the pandemic, vaccines, reopening of schools, and a million other things, worrying about them doesn’t make them happen or not.

Today let’s decide that we will just live–fully, triumphantly, and in living color—whatever that looks like. If it means taking the day off from work and watching westerns and romantic comedies, do it. If it sounds like baking cookies or lasagna for first responders in appreciation for all they do, do it.

If it means sending sweet notes to somebody who needs a lift, do it today. Begin the forgiving process for that hurtful remark somebody made last week. Acknowledge that you are hurt and write a letter you never mail if that will make it better, but don’t suffer in silence.

Today is a precious gift. Every second we waste being angry, sad, hurt, miserable or plotting revenge is one you won’t have to rejoice with your family, hug your grandbabies, plan to fall in love, spend with your sisters and mom, or be a blessing to your neighbor.

I realized many years ago that every day I get to choose what kind of day I will have. Many days got derailed with foolishness, detours, stuff that I could’ve handled differently, but I got to choose. I got to decide whether I’d let my boss work my last nerve or see if I really could work smarter and not harder.

I have never seen a perfect day, nor do I expect to but the one we have right now is pretty swell. When you look at the number of people dying or being hospitalized, who are hungry, who are homeless and hopeless, there but for the grace of God, it could be us. Here’s a gentle reminder for us to stop wasting time and lend a hand where we can. Share your heart, your joy, your gifts and watch today be your best day ever.

How do you plan to live your days to the fullest? I am all ears to know your thoughts at #drbondhopson on Twitter and Facebook.

Looking for inspiration, empowerment, uplift, straight talk, an encouraging word to brighten your day? You’ve arrived! Meet Dr. Cynthia Ann Bond Hopson, best-selling author, educator, inspirational speaker, sistergirl–she’s all that and more. Now listen to her new podcast, “Three Stores, Two Cotton Gins, One Remarkable Life: The Journey from There To Here,” and meet her favorite family and friends as they share laughter and heartwarming life lessons. Look for it on this page or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.


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